Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

The Weatherization Assistance Program assists eligible families and individuals by reducing their heating/cooling costs and improving the safetyof their homes through energy efficiency measures.

Energyefficiency measures performed through the program include air sealing (weather-stripping, caulking), wall and ceiling insulation, heating system improvements or replacement, efficiency improvements in lighting, hot watertank and pipe insulation, and refrigerator replacements with highly efficient Energy Star rated units. Household energy use reductions andresultant energy cost savings can be significant.

What is Weatherization?

Weatherization is the process by which targeted measures are performed on a home that has a direct result on reducing energy bills. Weatherization services are provided to seniors, low-income families and individuals who are handicap and qualify for the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. These services are available to residents of Clayton, Henry, and Fayette Counties.

There are four areas in which these measures are accomplished.

  1. Air Infiltration Reduction This procedure targets the leaky area of the home where the most energy is lost.
  2. Weatherization This procedure targets the leaky areas where energy is lost around doors, floors, windows, the attic, and crawlspaces.
  3. Energy Counseling This activity provides counseling to homeowners to inform them how to practice energy conservation on a daily basis. Health and safety hazards are also part of the client’s education, additionally, the homes are diagnostically checked for the presence of carbon monoxide.
  4. Blower Door Test This activity uses a diagnostic tool to measure and calibrate the major energy leak sites in a home.

After the test is completed, the staff uses the “N.E.A.T.” audit to determine the extent of Weatherization work to be done on the home.


Clayton County Community Service Authority, Inc. (CCCSA, Inc.) is a non-profit organization that operates/administers the weatherization program to qualified residents in Clayton, Henry and Fayette counties funded by the Department of Energy and other funding sources through the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority. Invitation to Bid is being accepted for:  

NOTE: New potential contractors will be allowed to submit proposals for consideration at any time during the year.

If certified, the certification will only be good for the months remaining until the next annual proposal submission

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Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies a spirit of hope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. 


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