Community Action Agency Board of Directors and the CSBG organizational standards 

Through its tri-partite structure – which requires the involvement of those representing those we serve, elected officials, and the private sector – our unique, yet challenging, board structure allows Community Action to be made up of diverse, engaged, and local community members.  The Board of Directors plays a unique and important role in the life of a Community Action Agency. While executives retire, staff members come and go, and programs change, the board offers consistency in purpose, intent, and responsibility. The governing board acts as a body, not as individuals, and its members are bearing legal liability for their individual actions as well as those of the corporation. 

Clayton County Community Services Authority, Inc. has a tripartite board which allows for perspectives and input from the various sectors – low-income, public officials and “private” –on community needs, resources and effectiveness of programs.

  • Low Income - These Board Members represent current low-income residents, but don’t need to be low-income themselves; their participation after being appointed does not have any term limits.
  • Public Officials - These Board Members are selected by Public Officials; their participation after being appointed does not have any term limits.
  • Private - These Board Members may represent an organization or may be individuals with interests or resources valuable for the agency; their participation after being appointed does not have any term limits

Mail all correspondences to the board may be hand delivered to Main Street or mailed to:

Clayton County Community Services Authority, Inc. Board of Directors
1000 Main Street, P.O. Box 1808
Forest Park, Georgia 30298-1808


Board of Directors: Group I - Elected Public Official


Board of Directors: Group II: Civic/Church/Labor/Business  


Board of Directors: Group III: Representatives at Large  


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