Head Start and Early Head Start Serving Rockdale and Clayton Counties.

This is where we are committed to ensuring that children and families are provided tools necessary for a healthy and safe learning environment.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your involvement and commitment in your child’s education! It is an investment of a lifetime that we are privileged to be a part of. Your child’s Early Head Start and Head Start learning experiences make all the difference when entering a kindergarten program. We have an awesome staff of teachers, coordinators, family advocates, coaches, food service staff, facility workers, and managers ready to assist you and your child.

We are dedicated to your children receiving high-quality services such as:

  • Enriching classroom learning environments
  • Individualized instruction for school readiness
  • Teachers educated in Early Childhood Education
  • Health and educational screenings and appropriate referrals and Inclusive services for children with disabilities.  

Dear Parents,

We are delighted that Clayton County Community Services Authority, Inc. serves as the grantee administrator for Rockdale and Clayton County Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Our agency is in Clayton County, and we have an extensive history of serving the communities of Clayton, Henry and Fayette County. At both our Rockdale and Clayton Head Starts, parents are encouraged to actively participate in their children’s learning and development; to get involved in the program’s decision-making process and become key stakeholders at their child’s Center.  We view ourselves as partners with you in providing for the developmental process of your child. We believe that strong Parent Committees and a strong Policy Council is vital to a quality program. We will be hosting parent events during the month of October and we welcome your participation and look forward to meeting you.

Eme Isok Nsuk, Head Start / Early Head Start Director 
Clayton County CSA, Inc.


The Head Start program offers numerous services to income eligible families.

Our service area is Clayton and Rockdale Counties with three sites in Clayton– Bizee
Brains, Brookwood and South Avenue, and two sites in Rockdale-West Circle and
Restoration Storehouse. We are a federally funded program providing services to
children ages birth to five -136 infants & toddlers, and 488 preschool children ages 3 -5 years of age. We also receive state funds through Bright From the Start to provide Pre – K blended services for ten of our classrooms at the Brookwood and South Avenue Centers. 

Head Start provides services, e.g., Education, Health, Nutrition, Parent Engagement, Disabilities, Mental Health, Classroom Extension, etc. ensuring that the children are equipped, and ready to transition to Kindergarten. Among the many services they receive are medical and dental care, healthy meals and snacks, classroom curriculum instruction and quality recreation (indoors/outdoors). Also, Head Start services are offered to meet the special needs of children with disabilities. Included in the curriculum are special programs for the children such as activities that will assist them mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically. 

Who Qualifies? 

Families with children ages birth to five years old who have a household income at or below the 100% OMB Poverty Guidelines, children in foster care, families that receive TANF or SSI, or children with a documented learning disability and Families that receive SNAP. Although the program is primarily for low-income families, some families with higher incomes may be eligible. The best way to know if your child will qualify is to apply. 

Eligibility Requirements 

Requirements for enrollment Early Head Start/Head Start include the following: 


  1. Must be an infant or a toddler younger than three years old.  
  2. Family Service Worker will check birth certificate provided it does not cause a barrier for child enrollment. 


  1. Must be at least three-years-old by September 1 of the enrollment year; or if below the federal government poverty guidelines may enter at his/her 3rd birthday provided a vacancy exists. 
  2. Family Service Worker will check birth certificate provided it does not cause a barrier for child enrollment.  


  1. Must provide proof of income for the past 12 months for the family of the child they are registering for Early Head Start/Head Start. 
  2. Must proof that you reside in Clayton County
  3. Must complete a pre-registration form and if scheduled for an appointment, must complete all enrollment forms. 
  4. Are requested to attend Parent Orientation and participate in Parent Committee meetings at the center level whenever possible. 

What is the Application Process? 

The application process must be completed and your child (ren) has been accepted in order to be placed on our Waiting List.

The following items are required to complete the application process: 

  • Birth certificate (proof of birth is acceptable)
  • Proof of residency
  • Proof of income or eligibility using one of these: W-2, 1040 tax form, 4 most recent pay stubs, TANF or SSI documentation, unemployment letter, foster child documentation, child support documentation, SNAP documentation
  • Child’s current physical form
  • Child’s current immunization records
  • Child’s health insurance card
  • IEP or IFSP if applicable
  • Full name, address, and telephone number of two adults (other than parents of guardians) as emergency contacts
  • The Children's Center can assist you in gathering these items.



How do I apply?

You can apply in person at your local office, To apply online click the following link

Apply online or scan the QR code below


by mail, Click the links below to access a printable application.

Head Start EHS Application English/Spanish

Thank you for your interest in our Clayton County Head Start, Blended Pre-K, and Early Head Start Program, where we provide FREE comprehensive child care to everyone that is eligible. For further information, please contact 404-363-0575 ext. 223 for Keith Barksdale or ext. 217 for Mrs. Keila Allen, the Family Community Partnership Coordinators.

Thank You!

Gracias por su interés en nuestro programa Head Start, Blended Pre-K and Early Head Start del condado de Clayton, donde brindamos cuidado infantil integral GRATUITO a todos los que son elegibles. Para obtener más información, comuníquese al 404-363-0575 ext. 223 para Keith Barksdale o ext. 217 para la Sra. Keila Allen, los Coordinadores de la Asociación de Familias y Comunidades


Answer The Call: How can I help? 

As a federally funded program, we must provide a local match of 20% of the federal funding. This requirement is met through cash donations, in-kind gifts, and volunteer time. Contributions and volunteering your time are greatly appreciated and can make a difference in your community. If you would like additional information regarding donations, please contact the Early Head Start or Head Start nearest you and ask for the Center Manager.

Applications can be mailed to:   
Clayton County CSA, Inc.
ATTN: Head Start Program - FSCP
1000 Main Street
Forest Park, GA 30297

Parent Comittee

Family Engagement: Building Relationships with families is a key part of the family partnership process. We do this throughout the program year starting with the intake process, open houses and orientations, home visits, parent/teacher conferences, and parent events. Each time staff meet with families they build rapport and trust with the family which helps parents to feel supported and encouraged to reach their full potential. Through the whole program year, this process continues with the ultimate goal being increased family engagement and school readiness. 

Parent involvement is an essential part of Head Start and Early Head Start, and fathers are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the program. Fathers who become more involved can help Head Start programs become more effective in achieving positive outcomes for children. Please reach out to Family and Community Partnership Coordinatorskallen@claytoncountycsa.orgMs. Aprial Jackson, Family Community Partnership Coordinator. She can be reach at 470-975-0030, email address -ajackson@claytoncountycsa.org

Annual Reports & Helpful Links 

We will send you the current Annual Report, Child and Family Outcomes upon request.

Center Locations

  1. Clayton County Head Start and Early Head Start-  South Avenue Center  667 South Ave. Forest Park, GA 30297
  2. Temporary Location Clayton County - Head Start and Early Head Start- New Vision Christian Church-5320 Phillips Dr., Morrow, GA 30260
  3. Clayton County Head Start and Early Head Start- Brookwood Center-3639 Brookwood Blvd., Rex, GA 30273
  4. Rockdale County Head Start and Early Head Start West Circle Center    780 West Ave SW, Conyers, GA 30012
  5. Rockdale County Head Start and Early Head Start- Restoration Center 1400 Parker Rd SE, Conyers, GA 30094

The Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services, Child Nutrition Programs – Income Eligibility Guidelines for Free and Reduced-Price Meals are used to determine each participant’s eligibility for free and reduced-price meals in this program.


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